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Shivendra Kishore

Shivendra Kishore

Centogene AG, Germany


Shivendra Kishore holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Biochemical Engineering from IIT Delhi. He obtained his PhD from University of Erlangen, Germany in noncoding RNAs involved in genetic abnormalities. Post-PhD, he worked in USA, Germany and Switzerland where he further worked on alternative splicing, transcription, RNA binding proteins, small RNAs and cancer-specific recombination hot spots utilizing single gene models and also high-throughput transcriptome-wide analysis. He subsequently forayed into healthcare consulting where he worked in Basel with a focus on Market Access and Pricing. Since 2013, He heads the Department of New Technologies at Centogene that constitutes the core of R&D activities.


Abstract : CentoICU: A time sensitive targeted panel approach for genetic testing in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units